Vivek Singh Blogs

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Stop Sabotaging Yourself

You are harsher to yourself than you think. People would often tell you if you are unfair or harsh to them. But, we rarely take time to ponder how we treat ourselves. Throughout the day, we keep playing the recorder into our minds which is demoralizing and disempowering.

A few of those self-sabotaging comments are:

‘I could have done it better…’

‘Gosh, I missed that opportunity…’

‘I’m being seen as inferior…’

‘I don’t deserve respect/recognition…’

‘I speak poorly, so I can’t get…’

‘Why this only happens to me…’

‘God, why are you so unfair to me…’

‘I’m helpless…’

‘Nobody agrees to what I say…’

To live a life of confidence, joy and success, you would need to STOP these self-dialogues.

But, the challenge is: often you are not conscious of these dialogues.

For that, you need to TAKE PAUSE more often.

And shift from being a PLAYER to being an OBSERVER.

Once you are aware, REFRAME these dialogues. Use more gentle, empowering and compassionate words for yourself.

Because you are much more than you think.

Change your game!



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