Case studies

The AVP of a unicorn reclaimed his contribution, established his presence and attracted a promotion to Vice President with unprecedented 80% raise within four months.

AK had established a diverse network of producers which was the core base of the business, but his contribution was overlooked by the board as he felt disempowered and avoided fierce conversations with the stakeholders Read more…

Partner of a large consulting firm renegotiated the compensation, got the desired projects to lead and resolved issues with the CEO that were pending for nine years

SS was the head of content and research in the consulting company. While she was accorded Co-founder status but her position was dominated by other functional heads. She desired to lead a Sales team along with the current role but was discouraged by the CEO considering her lack of experience Read more…

A project manager fast-tracked his career and received 35% raise amid economic slowdown

An aspirational Project Manager was about to give up on his career progression after trying his best and doing the latest courses on technology and project management. During the coaching he discovered the factors disfavoring him in his career growth were poor executive presence, lack of delegation and low Read more…

A struggling Genenal Manager became Chief Information Officer of an MNC challenging all odds

KS felt his career had peaked and was hopeless about his growth in the current company where all his contemporaries were trying hard to retain their spot. In a few weeks of coaching, he unleashed his potential that propelled him to C-suite in a leading tech company. Read more…

Challenge the status quo

Harness Your Potential

Vivek is one of the most sought after ledership experts in India for keynote speeches. He has delivered talks at Entrepreneur Summits, Executive Conferences and TEDx Events. His TEDx Talk ‘Speed Persuasion: The Secret of Getting to Yes Faster Than Ever’ is widely admired.