Vivek Singh Blogs
Change Your Game with EaseASKING ‘WHY’ IS NOT ENOUGH: Why Your Motivation Doesn’t Last Long
I presume you understand the importance of WHY questions. Simon Sinek in his book 'Start with Why' talks about the power of 'why' in the order of questions. Why gives' you reason and purpose to do something. Frequently asking 'why' keeps recreating the context and...
Elon Musk Decoded: 7 Secrets of the Richest man’s Success
As the net worth of Elon Musk crossed two hundred billion dollars last week making him the richest man ever on this planet, I could not stop myself from studying the secret of his success. If you ever felt success is just a stroke of luck or being at the right place...
Speaking Too much is Harming Your Charisma
In a conversation, most people want to attract all the limelight. To do that they tend to speak a lot. While they feel they are making an impact, quite often others feel put off and wish to run away from you. Human psychology suggests that everyone wants to be heard....
This is Why Executive Coaching Fails
Now, more leaders are rushing to coaches than ever. Although coaching is not a new concept, the unpredictability and insecurities are driving corporate executives to seek help. And the harsh truth is: Not all engagements lead to where they are intended leaving both...