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How to Leverage Hand Gestures in High-Stake Meetings 

When discussing high-stakes meetings, each gesture & word holds significant value. Therefore, honing non-verbal communication skills becomes imperative. Studies say that up to 90% of how we talk to each other, we do without words, and even sometimes, conveying the right words looks wrong through gestures. Your words may be the script, but your gestures are the choreography that brings your narrative to life. When it comes to a presentation, many of us feel the burden and anxiety before we stand up and speak with an audience. Once we understand and develop good vocal and body language skills, we can confidently express our ideas and thoughts. We can insert the information we want to be absorbed by our audience.

As an executive coach, I’ve frequently encountered individuals who excel in their methods but need help to effectively convey them due to limitations in expressing themselves through gestures. In this blog, we will delve into the strategies for effectively harnessing this underestimated yet powerful tool to our advantage, i.e. leveraging hand gestures in high-stakes meetings –

1) Show Up with Confidence – Confidence is critical in any high-stakes meeting. As you enter the room, your body posture serves as your image’s initial highlight. Recognize that your entrance and presence significantly shape your perception before uttering a word. A confident speaker naturally captures the audience’s attention. Steer clear of fidgety gestures, as they might convey nervousness. Instead, choose intentional and controlled movements that reflect your assertiveness.

2) Connect before You Collect – Before you collect your essential pointers, make sure to connect first. It’s easy, simple & very effective. Only when you can connect with your audience are you able to catch their attention & interest. To do so, you can use Open and inclusive gestures, such as open palms and inviting movements, which can foster a sense of connection.

3) Hands Above Your Waist – Since you managed to connect, you now want to leverage the opportunity to build confidence; make sure to bring your hands above your waist; this gesture amplifies your confidence. But remember not to go far wide as your power space is between your face and waist. Many influential personalities use the hand-above-the-waisted gesture as a powerful tool for interaction with their audience.

4) Keep Counting – Keeping your list, agenda, and thoughts at your fingertips helps you tick off the points as you go through your presentation and keeps the audience engaged with the number of items covered or discussed. A random conversation with no numbers would hardly have a recall than a captivating interaction with several points covered as a takeaway.

5) Steepling – A very commonly used hand gesture by personalities to convey authority & confidence is steepling. While it sounds great, you must be extra cautious, as it can intimidate or bring dominance.

6) Expressive Hand Movements – Being clear and explicit in your interactions with the audience is vital, and employing diverse hand gestures can enhance your ability to convey passion or enthusiasm more effectively than words alone. If you fail to bring excitement about your ideas, it’s challenging for your audience to share that enthusiasm. Use hand movements to express the emotions you want them to feel, but do so judiciously.

7) Chop for Clarity – Streamline your extensive ideas or thoughts by chopping with one hand. This technique aids in breaking down intricate concepts, making them more digestible and understandable. The ultimate goal is ensuring your audience thoroughly absorbs the information, preventing boredom and distractions often accompanying lengthy explanations.

8) Regulating Tone & Energy – In any high-stakes meeting, it is essential to control your pace, tempo & energy throughout the presentation. As a leader, you can perfect this art by strategically deploying hand gestures and consistent practice. These gestures function as indispensable tools, allowing you to modulate the rhythm of your speech skillfully. These gestures can serve as an essential tool to modulate the rhythm of your speech, giving a thrust of engagement into your communication.

As a leader, your mastery of non-verbal communication possesses the potential to wield significant influence over outcomes and leave a lasting impression. It’s crucial to recognize that in high-stakes scenarios, more than the content of your words, how you express them makes a difference. While we have covered some essential points to underscore the significance of effectively utilizing hand gestures in high-stakes meetings, a deeper understanding of oneself and others accompanies this skill. And that’s where expert coaching becomes instrumental. To elevate your performance, click here and schedule your free Breakthrough Session.


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