Vivek Singh Blogs

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Why Do You Need Time for Contemplation

Juggling with a range of tasks, meetings and deadlines, you rarely have time to figure out the things that matter in your life.

You keep chasing one goal after another only to feel more empty and disillusioned.

Your compulsive busyness does not allow you to think deeply about your role in the bigger scheme of things and your act in a broader context.

Therefore, you need a break…

To slow down…

To connect the missing dots…

To make sense of things around you…

And to be with yourself

When I coach the top executives and superbly successful individuals, I find most of them craving for peace and fulfillment in spite of all the material belongings and successes.

Since the path to peace and fulfillment is unknown, it is easier to numb your pains and cravings with alcohol, psychedelic drugs, clubbing, travel, sex or some other form of diversion that brings temporary relief.

My clients ask: ‘What’s the way out?’

The answer is: There is no way out!

There is a way in.

You need to start that inward journey.

‘How can I do that?’ is often I hear.

To begin with, you may choose to do one or many of the following:

– Schedule at least 30 minutes of ‘Me Time.’ Ideally, after everyone sleeps or before your family wakes up. You may also use this for journaling.

– Go for a solo walk or slow cycling in nature

– Take a break for ‘No To Do List’ day

– Go on a contemplation trip with no other agenda

Recently, I took a 3-day contemplation trip at a remote resort by the flowing river.

Every day I would spend hours thinking, meditating, observing and connecting. By the end, I was refreshed, filled with wider perspective and novel ideas.

What are your thoughts?

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